Ready to act, present and impress. Wherever.
let me take you to an other world
corporate actor
With over 15 years of set experience it is safe to say I have extensive experience in corporate films for the bigger international brands. Feeling right at home in safety films, instruction films and presenting as a product specialist I look forward to best express your brand's messages.
Be it live events be it product films: whatever kind of (re)presentation you need, contractors praise my personal, smooth and if desired funny way of presenting whatever message you have in mind.
stage actor
Beyond the curtains, creating a fictional world on a physical stage, separated from a live audience by... ABSOLUTELY NOTHING?! There you'll find me right at the chore of acting magic. I have been fortunate to have starred international plays and a variety of live performances.
commercial actor
Combining knowhow of commercial messages (before my acting career I used to work as a communication specialist) and a rich lively inner world I love making your commercial come alive to the believable experience your brand needs.
With a firm background in the audiovisual field I have worked (and love working) in all sorts of filmed productions. International feature films, indie shorts, music videos and 360º VR productions are nothing new to me.
voice actor & voice over
After following a voice course I discovered my passion for working with 'just' my voice. I directly played the protagonist part in an animation film. But I have the same passion for corporate voice overing for example. In English, Dutch, Spanish or German.
corporate acting teacher
After a long road filled with acting experiences all over the world I have developed a unique specialist focus on all aspects it takes to work as successful corporate actor. I have decided to share this knowledge with other actors through a school of corporate acting.
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